Page 102 - Hualien Sustainable Living Bilingual Magazine
P. 102

 You are sitting by the window on a train, swaying with the oscillations of the train car. The scenery outside flashes past like a slideshow. You glimpse the azure blue of the Pacific Ocean, and you feel your mood lift. Suddenly, the train speeds up and flies up towards the boundless sky. In a flash, it reaches the north peak of Mount Quilai. The shapes and scenes of the mountain and forests change as you view them from different angles. The train takes another sharp turn and travels over the Coastal Mountain Range. A golden rice field ripples in the ocean breeze, swaying and sparkling under the sun like shimmering ocean waves. These rich hues of blue, green, and yellow are the unique colors of the East Rift Valley and eastern coast. You are immersed in the beautiful natural scenery when, with a thud, you are suddenly plunged into pitch-black darkness. Soon, you hear the train conductor's voice over the intercom: Dear travelers, we are about to arrive at the final station, “Sustainable Island”... Question Curious but a bit nervous, you exit the train and walk around, observing the scenery around you. What catches your attention the most? A You pick up stones by your feet and discover all kinds of interesting shapes and textures.                D A quaint and simple cottage with large oil paintings by the door.   97 

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